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Security of Your Financial Plan: Navigating the Biggest Threats to Wealth Longevity

Written by Carolyn Yun, CPA, CFP® | Jan 18, 2024 8:45:32 PM

Building a robust financial portfolio is a significant accomplishment, but the journey doesn't end there. The key to successful financial planning lies not just in accumulating wealth but in ensuring its longevity.  At Hollow Brook we believe the integration of lifestyle preparedness and investment management is paramount and critical to be built into client portfolios.  Several threats can jeopardize the sustainability of a portfolio, from subtle pitfalls like lifestyle creep to more overt challenges such as unexpected withdrawals, inflation, taxes, and family requests for money. In this article, we explore these threats, delve into their financial planning implications, and provide insights into how one can secure their financial future.


Lifestyle Creep: The Silent Eroding of Wealth
One of the subtler threats to portfolio longevity is lifestyle creep. Over time, individuals may find themselves opting for the larger car, extra horse to lease, first class seats, or higher quality vacations, thereby inadvertently eroding their savings and jeopardizing their portfolio’s sustainability. To combat lifestyle creep, regular financial check-ins with historical withdrawal summaries and detailed future projections are crucial to ensure the portfolio remains on track to support withdrawals. Creating a sustainable spending plan and resisting the temptation to upgrade lifestyle can significantly contribute to portfolio longevity and meeting long term financial goals.

Unexpected Withdrawals: Navigating Financial Storms
Life is unpredictable, and unexpected expenses can arise at any time. Whether it's a medical emergency, costly home repair, or unprofitable business year to make up for, these unforeseen events can lead to unplanned withdrawals from your portfolio. Particularly concerning are when these large withdrawals happen in a year the market is down and investors have to liquidate investments at low values. However, maintaining a moderated portfolio with liquidity buffer as well as establishing a comfortable emergency fund separate from your investment portfolio can act as a buffer, preventing the need to tap into long-term investments during turbulent times.

Inflation: Eroding Purchasing Power Over Time

Inflation can silently erode wealth, gradually diminishing the purchasing power of your money. To protect against inflation, investors should ensure that inflationary risks are incorporated into portfolios and financial planning models. For example, one should consider cash as an asset and even ensure savings are invested and earning appropriate interest. Furthermore, one should consider a diversified portfolio that includes assets with the potential to outpace inflation such as real assets and stocks. These details can help hedge against the erosive effects of inflation over the long term.

Tax Implications: Planning for the Inevitable
Taxes can take a significant toll on your investment returns, impacting portfolio longevity. Strategic tax planning is essential, involving considerations such as tax-efficient investment strategies, managing withdrawals to minimize tax liabilities, and taking advantage of tax-advantaged accounts. Consulting with your tax professional and your team at Hollow Brook to optimize your investment strategy based on your unique financial situation is a prudent step to ensure taxes are mitigated along the way.

Family Requests for Money: Balancing Generosity and Financial Health
Family members may turn to you for financial assistance, and while it's natural to want to help, it can pose a threat to your portfolio longevity. Establishing clear boundaries and communicating openly about financial expectations with family members is crucial. Utilizing the annual gift tax exclusion amount of $18,000 per beneficiary in 2024 can help establish guidelines on where to start a conversation. There are also creative ways to structure intra-family loans at lower than market rates to help family members acquire business assets or real estate. Consider helping in ways that align with your overall financial plan. That can mean re-running your withdrawal strategy with your advisor to see if you can maintain regular gifts or if a one-time gift is more appropriate, so you won’t jeopardize your long term financial goals.

Understanding and addressing these threats requires a comprehensive financial planning approach. Working with a qualified financial advisor like your team at Hollow Brook can provide valuable insights and personalized strategies to mitigate risks and enhance portfolio longevity. Below is a summary of the most important things to keep in mind when managing your portfolio:

•    Regular Portfolio Reviews: Conducting regular reviews of your portfolio with your financial advisor ensures that your investment strategy aligns with your financial goals and adapts to changing market conditions.
•    Emergency Fund: Establishing and maintaining an emergency fund separate from your investment portfolio can act as a financial safety net, reducing the need for unplanned withdrawals.
•    Diversification: A well-diversified portfolio can help manage risks associated with market fluctuations, inflation, and unexpected economic events.
•    Tax-Efficient Strategies: Implementing tax-efficient investment strategies and managing withdrawals strategically can optimize tax outcomes and preserve portfolio longevity.
•    Open Communication: Communicating openly with family members about financial boundaries and expectations can prevent potential conflicts and help strike a balance between generosity and financial prudence.

Safeguarding your wealth and ensuring portfolio longevity requires a proactive and strategic approach to financial planning. By addressing threats such as lifestyle creep, unexpected withdrawals, inflation, taxes, and family requests for money, investors can navigate the complexities of maintaining a portfolio with confidence. Regularly reassessing your financial plan, staying informed about market trends, and seeking professional guidance can contribute to a secure and lasting financial future.

Our team at Hollow Brook is here to assist you in navigating these changes and recommend effective tax strategies tailored to your unique financial situation. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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Disclaimer: Information provided is for educational purposes only. HBWM does not provide tax, legal, compliance, or accounting advice. In considering this material, you should discuss your individual circumstances with professionals in those areas before making any decisions. Further, HBWM makes no warranties with regard to such information, or a result obtained by its use, and disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax position taken in reliance on, such information.